Friday 30 March 2012



"THE one who is cracked as a joke is probably the one on the highest peak among them"

The greatest actor of all time, known all over the world for his mannerism and stylish dialogue delivery. 

His most famous dialogue 

"Enna Rascala....MIND IT...!!!"

Here are some of those jokes which are cracked on the style of Rajinikanth 

  •  Basketball player: I can spin a ball on my finger for 2 hrs… can u..??   Rajnikanth: enna rascala… How do u think the earth spins…?? :)
  •  Rajnikant once wrote his autobiography. Today that book is known as “Guiness book of world RECORDS”
  • Once Rajnikant mumbled some numbers in his sleep.Those numbers are today collectively known as the “LOG TABLE.” 
  • Once Rajnikant lost his Wallet. Since then The World is Facing Recession
  • We face earthquakes only when Rajnikanth plays skipping.
  • Rajnikanth can whistle in five different languages, including sign language
  • If 12/21/2012 is the end of the world, it means that Rajnikanth got bored with humanity 
  • Rajnikanth doesn’t have bad days. Bad days have Rajnikanth
  • Two ghosts were talking.. One consoled other “Don’t fear brother.. there is nothing like Rajnikant”
  • No one can wish a happy birthday to Rajjnikanth cause he was here before time existed
  • Rajnikant was born on 30th february.. Since then february decided not to give this date to anyone else..!! Mind it..
  • Once Rajnikant and a small girl were playing cards. Rajni loses the game inspite having 3 ACES. Why?? Because The girl had 3 RAJNIKANTS…!!!
  • One day Rajnikanth bunked school, now its known as Sunday. 
  • Rajanikanth can eat lunch before breakfast. 
  • Rajni was shot with a bullet. The next day it was the bullet’s funeral.
To know more click the link below


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